

FOX NEWS: Florida couple sues 'woke' Catholic school to rescind $1.35 million donation after it 'lost its way'

Florida couple sues 'woke' Catholic school to rescind $1.35 million donation after it 'lost its way'

A Florida couple is suing a Catholic school once attended by their children in an effort to have their $1.35 million pledge rescinded, saying the school has "lost its way" by embracing "woke culture" and distancing itself from mainstream Catholicism.
FOX NEWS: Florida couple sues 'woke' Catholic school to rescind $1.35 million donation after it 'lost its way' FOX NEWS: Florida couple sues 'woke' Catholic school to rescind $1.35 million donation after it 'lost its way' Reviewed by john fonge on July 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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