

FOX NEWS: Exclusive: Mayo Clinic virology expert, ‘coronavirus more difficult to contain than SARS’

Exclusive: Mayo Clinic virology expert, ‘coronavirus more difficult to contain than SARS’

It’s hard not to compare the coronavirus to previous virus outbreaks like SARS and MERS, two other deadly respiratory illnesses. Fox News spoke with a top virology expert at the Mayo Clinic about what similarities can be drawn between these viral epidemics and what the medical community is doing in regards to testing to make sure COVID-19 doesn’t turn into a pandemic.
FOX NEWS: Exclusive: Mayo Clinic virology expert, ‘coronavirus more difficult to contain than SARS’ FOX NEWS: Exclusive: Mayo Clinic virology expert, ‘coronavirus more difficult to contain than SARS’ Reviewed by john fonge on March 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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